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from 1950 to our days.

I Introduction

  A message emitted in 1934 by the Earth at the beginning of the radio would have been received in 1949, so 15 years later by residents of the planet UMMO. The Ummits great explorer of the "Milky Way" decided after several months of observation to send on Earth an expeditionary corps of some individuals whose spacial vessel will land, for the first time on March the 28th of 1950 at 4h17 GMT in the vicinity of Digne in the Alpes of Haute Provence.From there the Ummits will be able to spread a bit everywhere especially in West Germany, in Australia, in Canada and especially in Spain. In this country, in 1965, they took contact with a certain Fernando SESMA, today deceased, and who was interested, at this time, in the phenomenon of ufos.

II The genesis of the affair.

  The Ummits have then put themselves to dispatch by mail to different persons, thousands of often technical documents describing their language, their vessels, their life on their planet of origin, etc...In these documents, they assert to belong of a Cosmic Club and confess modestly to have been themselves visited during a very long period by some extremely evolved peoples whom they have sometimes never succeeded in the determination of their identification. They assert equally, that they have got very rapid engines that, to transcend the speed of the light, use a physical trick that we have not still discovered and that allows them to join the Earth in approximately 6 months while the light itself would put 14.421 years to make the journey.In a letter send to Mr F. SESMA, the ummits assert to have explored near by 400 systems and to have found only one alone civilization having the same degree of furtherance as themselves : Small peoples with a large head and an other planet was resided by prehistoric men.It evident to say their satisfaction to have discovered our earth whose residents are physically very similar to the Ummits. They possess some morphological differences with us, as the absence of glottis, but these differences are sufficiently minor for allowing them to pass entirely unseen on our planet.

  They also reveal us, according to their inquiries in ufo circles, that the Earth is apparently visited by many extra-terrestrial civilizations who circulate in the Cosmos.

  They have themselves spacial vessels recognizable by a sort of "H" mark, whose central bar is cutted in its middle by a short vertical line and that is registered on the inferior part of each engine.please see the picture below:

  The addressees of the multiple documents sent by the Ummits to the earthlings are in general peoples having a big enough high culture level , but they are rarely scientists. The ummits establish contact with, general liberal professions, ecclesiastics, journalists, members of the great public services, etc... Yet these peoples receive each, hundreds of pages referring to the intimate structure of the Cosmos, to the technology of the ummit spacial naves , to the fundamental logic, to the structure of the matter. These documents will remain a long time unexploited until 1971, where was organized in Madrid the first symposium, followed by one more important in May of 1973 in Barcelone which itself, have made the object of an report of 219 pages of great format.

  Why these Ummits act they then so? They explain it to us very well by giving us a lesson of good manners: This transfer well dosed of ummit knowledge is a sort of compensation for their parasistic presence on the Earth. In that way they compensate us of the stream of information that they extract, without our knowledge, of the context of our civilization. The French astrophysicien J.P.PETIT has elsewhere, in a book appeared in November 1991, made shattering revelations of it, on this subject.

III Continuations being able to be revealing.

   In an extraordinary of a report of 50 pages in possession of the writer Antonio Ribera, the Ummites give very meticulous details on their landing on the 28th of March 1950 between Digne and la Javie, in the french department of the Basse-Alpes.

  They assert having "dug in the ground to eight meters of depth a "mini base" whose access is perfectly camouflaged and that is in form of a gallery of 4 meter length, supported by extensible modular hangers formed with an alloy of magnesium and being found in one of the mountainous buttresses of the region on the proximity of the Peak of the Cheval-Blanc whose summit culminates to 2323 meters.

  We have learnt that top-secret military manoeuvres , (because municipal administrations have not even been warned of this opportunity,) have taken place justly in the mountain of the Cheval-Blanc and that curious were mercilessly keeping away from this place at this moment.

  That proves without any doubt that "one" researched this famous gallery that has been probably discovered with the sophisticateed ways and other radars that possesses the Army. Why this is-it again be keep very hidden, while the National Security is no longer here in cause, after 50 years of muteness and that such a discovery makes part indisputably of the Humanity patrimony ?

  It is for example, exactly as if the Israël nation, that has discovered the Dead Sea scrolls had wanted to confine them for itself alone in its laboratories for vulgarity questions of prestige and power of this Nation. . It is therefore totally inadmissible that some representative civil servant of the France, homeland of human rights, could act by this manner

  What can we, modest citizens, make then, in order for brusting this incredible truth out in the wash?

  It remains us, however a possibility. Indeed, the ummites have in this same report of 50 pages, confess to have, in the night of 24 to 25 April 1950, organized a fantastic "raid" on a farm of the region, where, about 3 o'clock and, after having put in full sleep all occupants, they have stolen on the place, multiple objects: (to see the book of J-P. PETIT : Enquêtes sur des ET qui sont déjà parmi nous) and especially what is very important for our talk: 70000 Francs, identity papers, and finally they have pulled down a switch and the electricity meter.

  Do you think that it arrives very often that one steals the electricity meter of a house?

  It is therefore unthinkable that the farmer has not lodged a complaint against person the next day or the days after at the nearest police office of its domicile? It would seem that the farm would be that the ³Bergerie du Défend² at the North-east ³du col de la Cine² belonging to the "Pere Violat", unfortunatly deceased currently.

  Let us specify, finally, this affair that the Ummites also confess to have largely compensated this proprietor that had therefore no interest to the period to shout it on the roofs. But close to 50 years after, we hoping that these recluses, well excusable at the period, will be rapidly swept and we urge from one hand, all person, having known the "Pere Violat", still alive, or his close relatives and who possesses any information, even insignificant about this complaint deposited at the police office by this farmer to write us on the Web or to run at the closest journalist home (Apart those of "Science et Vie" because they have riculoused this affair in the N) of Nov 91 ) to burst out the incredible truth.

  On the other hand, we ask to all the professional of the French Jurisprudence and of the articles of law, to research if, in France, we have not a"hidden Law" as in the United States, the Law on the Liberty of the information (F.O.I.A Freedom of Information Act), that would oblige the government to open the "now non secret" police files and therefore to force it, to disclose its underhand game in this fantastic Ummites'affair.

IV Conclusion

  Here is the summary in very few words, of the most extraordinary ufo current affair, that it is still up to day, as a lot of others, to be finally discussed openly on the public place, in order, if it is proven authentic,that we could to pull off from it some fantastic consequences that are required.

This affair has been evoked in several books, articles of reviews and an emission of radio whose here is some french characteristics:

1°) "Le Livre du Mystère" de J. Bergier et G. H.Gallet p. 105, chez A. Michel, Aout 1975.

2°) "Le Mystère des Ovnis" de R.Jack Perrin Editions J'AI LU.(Dec 1978)

3°)"El Misterio de Ummo" Manuscrit espagnol de 1979 d'Antonio RIBERA, Traduit en français par J.J.PASTOR, sous le titre "Ummo le langage Extra-terrestre" aux Editions du Rocher en 1984 (épuisé actuellement)

4°) "L'affaire Ummo" de l'emission "Vous avez dit étrange" de Jacques Pradel 1984

5°) Article dans V.S.D. n° 731 du 5 au 11 sepembre 1991

6°) Article de Paris-Match N° 2220 du 12 Decembre 1991

7°) Le livre"La Conspiration des Etoiles" Les Ummos Terrestres ou extra-terrestres? de Martine Castello, Philippe Chambon et I.Blanc. Chez R.Laffont, *Aout 1991.

8°) Le livre "Enquête sur des Extra-Terrestres qui sont déjà parmi nous". Le mystère des Ummites.J-P PETIT. Albin Michel Novembre 1991 ou Ed. J'ai Lu n°3438 "L'aventure Secrète". fev. 1997

9°)"Les Extra-Terrestres sont-ils parmi nous? ": Le véritable langage UMMO d'Antonio Ribéra aux Editions du Rocher (1991).

10°) "Le Mystère des UMMITES " : Une Science venue d'une autre planète ?.J-P PETIT. Albin Michel (Aout 1995)

11°) Les Gouvernants Secrets N°1 dans la serie documentaire " Les Portes du Futur " en cassette video de jimmy Guieu (une production de Dimension 7) distribuée par EDV 40, 8 rue Pradier 75019 Paris. Tel 01 42 08 45 66.

Liste établie par IDYLLE Fred

  Making out this article on the 17/12/98 and up dating it on the 29/04/2001.


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